科学機器の歴史 : 望遠鏡と顕微鏡 : イタリア・オランダ・フランスとアカデミー
塚原東吾編 ; 三浦伸夫・中島秀人・隠岐さや香・平岡隆二 [著]
日本評論社 2015.6 (総196ページ)
(塚原執筆分) 序章「科学機器の歴史」、pp.1-24
マンハッタン時代と満洲経験 :
戦後日本のテクノポリティクスの起源 (特集 戦後70年)
塚原 東吾
現代思想 43(12), 160-174, 2015-08
「大東亜」の建設から「アジアの開発」へ :
日本エンジニアリングと、ポストコロニアル/冷戦期のアジア開発についての言説 (特集 戦後70年)
モーア アーロン , 塚原 東吾 [訳]
現代思想 43(12), 128-147, 2015-08
Google Scholarから
Japan's “Nuclear Village”
beyond the Border: The Japan-Indonesia Network of Nuclear Engineering
1. Mutsumi Inuma and
doi: 10.1215/18752160-3144880
EASTS Volume
9, Number 3: 295-310
(2014): 45-80
An Unpublished Manuscript Geologica Japonica
by Von Siebold: Geology, Mineralogy, and Copper in the
Context of Dutch Colonial Science and the Introduction of Western Geo-sciences
to Japan
Togo Tsukahara
(東工大) 国際化学史会議 IWHC
2015 Tokyo
The International Workshop on
the History of Chemistry “Transformation of Chemistry from the 1920s to the
2-4, 2015, Tokyo Institute of Technology, West
Building No.9
Session 4: Interface between Chemistry and Biology
(Chair: Togo Tsukahara)
Kevin Fujitani
(Ohio State University, USA), “A Child of Many Fathers: The Question of Credit
for the Discovery of Thiamine, 1884-1936.”
Pnina G. Abir-Am
(Brandeis University, USA), “Pauling’s ‘Boys’ and the Mystery of DNA Structure:
On Mentorship in Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology.”
第8回研究会 Aaron Moore “Constructing East
Asia” 書評会
場所:東京理科大学 葛飾キャンパス講義棟5階 501教室
この本は、日本のマルクス主義技術論論争から書き起こしている本で、 日本の植民地におけ る地域開発(とくにダム建設、野口による日本窒素の朝鮮でのプロジェクトなど)を論じてい て出色です。ムーア氏の仕事の優れた点として、 以下の3点が特に挙げられます。
(3)戦後のODAとの「連続性」を指摘し、総力戦体制という動員論だけでは収まりきれない、 技術史(科学史)的な性格を指摘していること。
今回、アーロン・ムーア氏を招き、日本科学技術史・経済史の研究者や ODA研究者とともに、 これらの論点を軸として、 議論を進めていきたいと思います。
15:10~15:30 【趣旨説明】塚原東吾(神戸大学)
15:30~16:00 Aaron Moore(アリゾナ大学)
16:00~16:20 金山浩司(北海道大学)
16:20~16:40 辛島理人(関西学院大学)
16:40~17:00 山根伸洋(早稲田大学)
17:20~18:20 総合討論
主催:科研費基盤A「帝国日本の知識ネットワークに関する科学史研究」(2012年度~2015年度、課題番号: 24240108、研究代表者:愼蒼健)
4月― ツカ研前期 (PTTアリ。ツカ研HPに)
5月1日 山本昭宏さんを呼んだゼミ: 『核と日本人』、オガちゃんとツカハラのコメント(ドラえもんの「原子ろ」の消滅とか、開沼・大野らとの差異化、山本の立場性について、などなど。PTTアリ。)
「第三世界の問題は科学で解決可能なのだろうか? 科学技術をメタで見る手法、HPSとSTSについて」
STS in East Asia Professor Togo
Tsukahara PhD (Leiden) Kobe University, Japan
Reactors: Prof. Felipe Jocano Jr, Anthropology Department, UP Diliman
Dr Ramon
Guillermo, Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas, UP Diliman
Held at Institute of
Biology, National Science Complex, University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon
6月26日 京大人文研・武上真理子発表へのコメント
2015.06.26 近現代中国における社会経済制度の再編
汎太平洋学術会議にみる科学の制度化と国際化―中国の加入問題を中心に 武上真理子
>>> 武上レジュメ(暫定版?)と、塚原のコメントPTTアリ
7月、イギリス・ケンブリッジ、ニーダム 20th、メモリアルセッション
Japan, Japan's Needham"
Togo Tsukahara:
Needham's Japan, Japan's Needham
Needham’s Japan is astronomical. It is Japan as described and analyzed
by Yabuuti and Nakayama, a group later joined by Hashimoto and Yano. It was also
Japan as a part of China, peripheral, but a place that preserved ancient China,
with its own choice of theory and interpretation. In that sense, Needham was
more concerned with the works done by the genuine Kyoto school led by Yabuuti, and
those with a scent of somehow esoteric Confucian classism and mathematical
(Hashimoto), or Buddhist exoticism (Yano), than Nakayama’s
modernist (“paradigmer”, as he self-claimed) approach to investigate the interface
between the East (in his case, the Chinese tradition of astronomy and calendar
making, as well as mathematics) and the West (the coming Dutch, who conveyed to
Japan the fruits of European astronomical studies).
Japan’s Needham is cultural. It has, contrary to his concentration on
astronomy, encompassed wider implications. For the Japanese, Needham was not
only a historian of Chinese science, who are easily trapped into the cage of
disciplinary narrowness, but also the historian of “Civilization”, who claimed a more egalitarian cultural
world view for all. He was thought to be a person to have rescued the “value of
the East”, who highlighted “our” system of STM (science, technology and
medicine). A champion of “non-Western” STM, he was a fighter who defended “our”
value system and knowledge production, technical advancement and views on the universe/cosmology,
that is, the tradition of “the East”, from the Western dominance of post-colonial era.
Despite his establishment background as a distinguished bio-chemist from
Cambridge, and Master of a conventional/conservative male-dominated college, Needham became a legend for Japanese
He did not hold a professorship, which actually
reinforced Needham’s reputation, with the reasoning that he was not fully
bought into reactionary academia, politically correct and a Socialist.
It was 1974 when Needham was welcomed by Japanese academia and the public
as the most important guest for the International Congress of History of
Science in Tokyo. I will discuss this visit and the cultural enthusiasm of this occasion,
in comparison with Needham’s exchange with Yabuuti, Nakayama, Hashimoto and
Yano. This is a combination of history
of internal science and research from the viewpoint of cultural history. This
is still a preliminary research result, with the intention to explore more of
the multiple aspects of Needham.
Needham Workshop (Preliminary Programme)
Time and date: 9:00 am- 17:20 pm, 4th July 2015;
Venue: K.P. Tin Hall, The Needham Research Institute
Time |
Activities |
Venue |
8:30-9:00 |
Registration and refreshment |
Board room |
9:00-9:10 |
Welcoming remarks ( [ … ] Dr. Peter Lee) |
K. P. Tin Hall |
9:10-10:55 |
Session 1: Working with Dr. Needham and the SCC project: Reflections and
Reminiscences (Chairperson: Prof. Geoffrey Lloyd) |
9:10-9:25 |
Francesca Bray – “Science and technology are
civilization” |
9:25-9:40 |
Donald Wagner – “Brass tacks on iron: Reminiscences of the 25 years it took to write Volume 5, Part 11” |
9:40-9:55 |
Rose Kerr - "Ceramic Technology: a subject of seemingly infinite
proportions" |
9:55-10:10 |
Robin Yates - "Chinese
Military History and Military Technology after SCC: Some Reflections and
Reminiscences" |
10:10-10:25 |
Georges Métailié - "The hidden face of the moon: A reflection on the history of
technology in China" |
10:25-10:40 |
Blue- “The
EAHSL/NRI as an Intellectual Hub in the late 1970s and 1980s” |
10:40-10:55 |
Christopher Cullen- 'Farewell to SCC?' |
10:55-11:15 |
Tea break |
Corridor |
11:15-13:00 |
Session 2: Dr. Needham's intellectual heritage and future directions in the field of the
history of science, technology and medicine in East Asia (I) (Chairperson: Prof. Roel
Sterckx) |
K. P. Tin Hall |
11:15-11:30 |
Dun Liu – “Correspondence between Joseph Needham
and J. B. S. Haldane” |
11:30-11:45 |
Vivienne Lo – “天下大同 How can we re-define Needham's sense of a world community for the 21st century?” |
11:45-12:00 |
Togo Tsukahara: "Needham's Japan, Japan's Needham" |
12:00-12:15 |
Ping-I Chu – “Needham in Taiwan: An Unexpected Turn to STS” |
12:15-12:30 |
Dagmar Schäfer: “The three
dimensions of Science and Civilisation in China” |
12:30-12:45 |
Xiaochun Sun- Some "Experimental Moments" of Doing History of Chinese
Science: Inspirations from Dr. Needham |
12:45-13:00 |
Tony Butler – “Joseph Needham as an experimentalist” |
13:00-13:10 |
Group Photo |
NRI Entrance |
13:10-14:00 |
Lunch |
Board room |
14:00-15:45 |
Session 3:Dr. Needham's intellectual heritage and future directions in the field of the
history of science, technology and medicine in East Asia (II) (Chairperson: Prof. Angela
Leung) |
K. P. Tin Hall |
14:00-14:15 |
Arun Bala - “Chinese
organic materialism and Asian science studies: rethinking the Needham legacy” |
14:15-14:30 |
Yunli Shi – “Chinese Astronomy in the Period of the Jesuits: Studies following the SCC” |
14:30-14:45 |
Marta Hanson: “Why Needham and Lu’s Legacy in Chinese Medical
History Matters in Medical History” |
14:45-15:00 |
Jongtae Lim – “Joseph Needham in Korea, and Korea's Position in the
History of East Asian Science” |
15:00-15:15 |
Fung Kam-Wing – “Dr. Joseph Needham’s Intellectual Legacy in Hong Kong” |
15:15-15:30 |
Siming Wang - “Dr Joseph Needham’s Inspiration for Agricultural History Research in China” |
15:30-15:45 |
Bridie Andrews - "What is the NRI's mission going forward? Some ideas for discussion." |
15:45-16:10 |
Tea break |
Corridor |
16:10-17:00 |
Session 4: Roundtable discussion The Needham Research Institute and the Development of Studies of the
History of Science, Technology and Medicine in East Asian (Chairperson: Prof. Jianjun Mei) |
K. P. Tin Hall |
17:00-18:30 |
Free activities |
19:00-21:30 |
Formal dinner at Gonville and Caius College |
Nakayama memorial
session, organized by Morris Low and Togo Tsukahara.
Life and Work of Nakayama Shigeru (1928-2014) Organisers:
Morris LOW & TSUKAHARA Togo Chair:
Morris LOW
YOSHIOKA Hitoshi, The Nakayama Project on the Social
History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan
Tessa MORRIS-SUZUKI, The Vision of Service Science in
Japan: Nakayama Shigeru and the Japanese Experience of Citizen Science
SUN Xiaochun, On Nakayama’s Contribution to the History of Astronomy
HONG Sungook, The Influence of Nakayama Shigeru’s “The Modern History of
Science and Society” in Korea (read by YI
Sharon TRAWEEK, Nakayama Shigeru in Los Angeles |
Kato 加藤茂生、Japanese Imperialism and
Geological Survey on Mineral Resources in China」
Tsukahara 塚原東吾、Chinese coastal
meteorology since the 19th century, and Japan's wartime metorological network.
H. Sensui 泉水英計, American Research on Colonial Geographies
of Japan: With a Particular Focus on the Naval School of Military Government
and Administration, 1942-1945.
Nakayama Memorial
Session (3) Japanese Imperial Sciences and Their Networks: (Panel 2) The Extension
of Japan's Empire: Knowledge and Human Resources
Nanta, Physical Anthropology in Colonial Korea: Science and the Colonial Order
Sakano 坂野徹, Investigating "the Islanders" : On Fieldwork in Micronesia
before World War II
Chang Geon 愼蒼健, On the Frontiers of
Japanese Imperial Medicine: The Return of Korean Medical Students to Korea
Jungwon 陳姃媛, Seizing Opportunities in
the Empire:Taiwanese Medical Students in Colonial Korea
Nakayama Memorial
Session (4): Japanese Imperial Sciences
and Its Network: (Panel 3) Agriculture, Food and Industrialization in the
Japanese Empire
Nosaka 野坂しおり, Industrialized Health:
Dairy Products of Meiji and Taisho Japan
Moore, Constructing the Continent: Japanese Technologies of Comprehensive Urban
and Regional Planning in China, 1937-1945
藤原辰史 Tatsushi Fujihara, Pickles
and Science: Modern History of a Preserved Food in Japan
都留舜太郎 Shuntaro Tsuru, Sugarcane
Production in the Colonial Taiwan
8月25-26 現代科学論研究会(木原研究会) 東京・八王子、セミナーハウス
これについては、鬼頭さん・木原さんから、押さえた感じだが、いいレスをもらえて、手ごたえを感じた。いや、こういうのは、久々、だ。 でも、残念だったのは、金森さんが帰った直後だったこと。この諸テーゼは、金森さんに向けて語っていた、というか、金森さんの提起に対して返答、というか、対話をしていた、というつもりもあったので、金森さんには、聞いてほしいことでもあった。
ここで、自分の考えを、ある種の方向付けできた、とも思える。まあ、もちろん、言いにくいことや、パブリックには言うべきではないこと、も含めて、非常に、「まとも」な、感性と知性の「軸」が、確認できた、と、確信できた。 自分にとっての、いわゆる、「リリーフ」、でもあったというのは、本音です。
台湾・高雄でのAPSTSN+EASTS 合同会議、EASTS 編集委員会
塚原のプレゼン: Civilian control of techno-science? : thyroid cancer,
(nuclear waste and reactivation of nuclear power plants) in Post 311 Japan.
10月10-11日 自然文化誌研究会、創立40周年記念シンポジウム(於:自然と人々のミュージアム、山梨県小菅村)
塚原の報告:「どのような未来へ?: まずは、過去を見ておこう。」
>>> PPT アリ